Learning Objectives:This course is aimed at making students develop an understanding of the complex history and geography of the term ‘Geopolitics’. The term was coined at very end of the 19th century during the emergence new forms of nationalism, colonial project and inter-imperialist rivalry in the Europe and the World. With the complex interplay between space and power at its conceptual core, geopolitics has most often been associated with a ‘realist’ and state-centric approach to international relations. But recent decades have seen a shift in the rhetoric from emerging new trends of environmental Geopolitics as well.
Learning Outcomes:On completion of this course, students should be able to:
Theorizing Geopolitics-: Contesting theories- Alfred Mahan ( Sea power), Mackinder (Heartland), Spykman( Rimland) ,Karl Haushofer ( German Geopolitik)
Geopolitics, Pax Americana, Post cold war Geopolitics
Geopolitics over Natural Resources -: Water, Oil and Natural Gas, Territory
Geopolitics in the era of Globalisation, Role of US, Rising Militarism, Rise of Multipolarity, Role of India in emerging world.
Environmental Geopolitics, Green Geopolitics, Responsibility to Protect(R2P).
Essential Readings:
New Delhi:Rowman & Littlefield, Pentagon Press
Reference Books:
[1] https://politicalscience.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/geopolitics-world-affairs-0
[2] https://politicalscience.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2019-20