Learning Objectives:This paper introduces to the student to the realm of international laws governing the conduct of independent nation states during times of peace. It is designed to give the students of International Studies, a foundational comprehension of the rudiments of International Law. The course aims at:
Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course, students should be able to:
Laws of Air- navigation, hijacking; Outer Space- development, Outer Space Treaty
Settlement of International Disputes- Role of UN and International Court of Justice
Laws of War- Meaning, features and Declaration of War; Belligerents; Combatants and Non-Combatants; Effects of War
Laws of Land Warfare- prohibited means, war stratagem, prisoners of war, guerrillas
Laws of Maritime Warfare; law of submarine warfare
Laws of Ariel Warfare
War Crimes; Genocide; Prize Courts
Termination of War
Laws of Neutrality-Concept; Rights and Duties of Neutrals;
Right of Angry; Contrabands; doctrine of continuous voyage; Blockade- meaning, elements, violation; Unneutral Service
Essential Readings:
Reference Books:
[1] https://politicalscience.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/international-law-war-and-neutrality-0
[2] https://politicalscience.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2019-20