CHANGELOG for Views 3 for Drupal 7

Views 3.x-7.x-dev
#1017128 by bojanz, dereine: Add support to render a single delta.
follow up by bojanz: Better description for the delta.
#1017254 by dereine: Fix undefined property error in argument_string handler.
#1007886 by dereine: Relationship-fields in field_field handler should use the table alias.
#1018766 by bojanz: Fix click_sort for fieldapi fields.
#1017128 by bojanz: Follow up: Hide field_field if field value is empty.
#1018802 by dereine: Convert 'formula' add_where to add_where_expression.
#1018766 by solotandem: Fix click_sort for fieldapi fields.
#960648 by dereine: Addjust comment link to d7 changes.
#997662 by das-peter: Saving a machine name of a display throws Notice "Undefined property new_id".
#955464 by davereid: Fix notice in views_many_to_one_helper when $operator = 'and'.
#1019438 by dereine: Fix "illegal choice" for unlimited fields.
#1019506 by dereine: Fix the remove items element on the rearrange filter_group form.
#1011004 by dereine: Add validation for query plugin option forms.
#991202 by helmo: Add option to turn linebreaks into br tags in field rewriting.
#1001302 by dagmar: Enable attachment displays to have more links.
#1021784 by tim.plunkett: Extra space added in some classes erroneously.
#862072 by jhedstrom: Allow argument validator to test if user has edit or delete access to a node.
Fix fieldsets in field handler.
#962564 by joshuajabbour: Allow link attributes to be rewritten (internally).
#672864 by dboulet: cols- class incorrect on table, grid.
#981872 by infojunkie: Option to hide attachments in summary views.
#839810 by marcp: Get UID from URL argument default plugin should accept uids from Views pages.
#1012584 by dereine: Allow filtering on term descriptions.
#895046 by bojanz, dereine, merlinofchaos: Implement proper multiple field api handling and improve field api rendering in general.
#1035168 by Ao: Fix strict warning in unread node filter.
#1044916 by dagmar: Fix improper use of set_current_page member variable.
#1016814 by eaton: string argument should support name_field.
#1007376 by dereine: Jump menu was not correctly supporting offsets.
#1018160 by zhangtaihao: unpack_translatable could infinitely recurse when options are arrays but not declared as such.
#776830: Attachments and other displays lost "Items to display" controls.
#747782 by dereine: Improve jump menu grouping.
#1026014 by dereine and alex_b: Use more always should not ask for the count query to see if we need to show the more link.
#1012596 by dereine: More inline documentation of class variables.
#988680 by mikeytown2: Fix Views memory leak with attachments.
#1023062 by mikejoconnor: Replace views_process_dependency with ctools_dependent_process again.
#1023558 by mariusz.slonina: Add a user cancel account link.
#1015960 by duellj: View js should use DOM element not jquery object.
#1027552 by david_Rothstein: Fix Node: Has new content fatal error.
#955464 by dereine: Fix many_to_one helper in the case of have no condition and operator = 'and'.
#696550: Taxonomy validator should always set title when it successfully validates.
#869172 by bendiy: Add an "external" parameter to field link rewriting so that external URLs can be formed properly even without a scheme.
#935176 by benoit.borrel: Add "system" table to Views data.
#839236: Fields named "buttons" would disappear from the rearrange UI due to conflict with the buttons on the form.
#783514 by dereine: Allow breaking of strings with + and ,
#1000760 by dereine: Prevent htmlspecialchars() error with string arguments.
#1033494 by dereine: Fix filter by user picture: change used handler.
#895046 by bojanz: Follow up of the multiple field handler. Fixes an issue with group-by and rename entity_api_classes.
#1044250 by dereine: Fix notice in views_handler_filter_history_user_timestamp for disabled comment module.
#1018872 by dereine: field_field handler shouldn't force to set base field in relationship.
#1049586 by fgm: Fix strict error in field_field::init.
#1049276 by david_Rothstein: Commit the 6.11 patch to d7.
#1011226 by Chris Gillis, Sutharsan: Fix display of error messages in the views inteface.
#1050962 by Sutharsan: Convert #value to #markup in validate methods.
#1051034 by Manuel Garcia: Allow field wrapper class to take multiple classes.
#957284 by dereine: Fix search filter to work with d7 version of search.module's api.
#534452 by dereine: Remove non-functional "optional" setting on string filters.
#1019826 by penguin25: Respect contact page access overrides when displaying contact link.
#652684 by dereine: Search and replace error resulted in invalid function name in nid argument validator.
#1008358: Updated for translation plugin to work properly with i18nviews.
#1055378 by mfb: Fix rss_namespaces.
#957284: by dereine: Followup for filter_search fix.
#1063208 by dereine: Fix joins between some tables and file_usage.
#1024586 by merlinofchaos, dereine: Provide a way to move old fields in views data. Additional move field-api data to it.
#990554 by bojanz: Allow to show default values of fields.
#1039460 by robertgarrigos: Rename drupal_set_content to drupal_add_region_content
#1045908 by bfroehle: Fix type in api-upgrading.html
#646456 by xslim: Add a workaround to run update.php
#1055602 by dereine: Convert argument search to dbtng.
#1039584 by dereine: Fix path of taxonomy path, function from d6
#1019746 by Ralf: Check_plain role names.
#1006482 by dereine: Fix filter: user posted or commented handler.
#870960 by bojanz, dereine: Field label should derive from field Label, not field name.
#1056824 by greggles: Rename the displayed permission from "access all views" to "bypass views access control".
#1022052 bojanz, dereine: Don't add the field_info into the views data array
#970162 by longwave: Add "time hence" options to date field format
#1069100 by paranojik: remove legacy code from views_plugin_row_comment_view:pre_render().
#741234 by voxpelli: Arguments should check for NULL along with empty string to find empty values.
#1046170 by agentrickard, blackice2999, dereine: Execute preExecute before generate the countQuery to fix pagers with node_access.
#1046170 (follow up) by agentrickard: Provide a better documentation for the problem.
#1070112 by drunken_monkey: Fix notice in field_views_field_label.
#978824 by dereine: Don't execute validation on config_item remove button.
by dereine: Convert op_shorter/longer in filter_string to add_where_expression.
#1046650 by dereine, damz: Don't delete views in the simpletest.
#1022052 follow up by bojanz: Fix filter_list handler, by loading the field_info again.
#1023794 by turek: Fix notice in many_to_one_helper.
#1057810 by mariusz.slonina: Remove views_handler_field_user_link_delete and the views_data entry.
#1075598 by paranojik: small fix for the single argument case.
#1053164 by dereine: Support random sort for sqlite by using dbtng functionality.
#1073862 by solotandem: Title of columns from field revision tables shouldn't have the name delta.
#1042072 by das-peter: Fix notice in views_handler_field_field.
#1078570 by duellj: Search filter doesn't work for attachments.
#1068108 by boombatower: Allow row_class to contain multiple classes.
#1078738 by dereine: Add a serialized data field handler and set to it.
#1051308 by dereine: Backport a test fix for views_handler_filter_date from d7v3ui.
#1079496 by dereine: Fix renamed field names for list fields. This caused an additional filter, which didn't worked.
#1080690 by dereine: Store the view object in the query object, so it can be used.
#1080690 by dereine: Fix target/key for querying against sql databases. Therefore don't use db_select anymore.
#1029534 by bojanz: Fix like for pgsql by using db_like correct.
#1051308 by bojanz: Fix date filter handler behaviour with offsets.
#1062506 by dereine: Misnamed parameter for creation of broken handlers.
#1049998 by dereine: Fix jump_menu summary and some possible notices.
#975400 by bojanz, dereine: Refactor field render() functions to accept $value.
#975400 follow up by bojanz: Give field::sanitize_value more power and fix some issues with get_value.
#1052896 by dereine: Fix summary css classes output.
#1046674 by dereine: Rename build_mode to view_mode in row_node_view. This fixes some bugs with code using $node->view_mode.
#1090682 by febbraro: view:load does not clear the cache correctly when reset.
#1090682 by dereine: Write a simpletest for the reset parameter of view::load.
#1054272 by dagmar: String filters are non optional anymore.
#1086158 by dereine: Fix filter handler of list fields.
#1079178 by Manuel Garcia: Provide a views revert drush command.
#1097602 by bojanz: Don't run validation for Cancel button on views wizard.
#1096292 by bojanz: Provide better default for exposed_sorts_label.
#1097964 by dereine: Don't show contextual links when the contextual module is disabled.
#1098006 by bojanz: Fix notice in summary style conversion code.
by dereine: Move get_value and sanitize_value into views_handler to support it for area handlers.
#1098334 by kannary, dereine: Remove merge leftover in
by dereine: Allow to expose sorts again.
#1098168 by fubhy: HTML Wrapper checkboxes in style settings in default field handler showing weird behavior
#1096366 by jamsilver: Role access plugin: Replacing array_unshift() with reset()
#1096834 by dww: Allow importing views code that starts with '<?php'.
#557160 by joachim: Move docs/docs.php to views.api.php to match the drupal standard of hook documentation.
#1100052 by michielnugter: Fix strict warning of views_handler_argument::get_value.
#1023456 by dereine: Fix many_to_one_helper condition buidling.
#1100738 by bojanz: Extend upgrading docs to include info about argument changes and get_value/sanitize_value.
#1100776 by bojanz: Fix call for get_value in field_user_language handler.

Views 3.x-7.x-alpha1 (05-Jan-2011)

#914102 by torelad: Correct placeholder in views_date_sql_format.
#931582 by bec: Provide integration of {file_usage} table.
by dereine: Fix in_operator test.
by dereine: Fix more testcases by adding $this->resetAll().
#931886 by bojanz: Remove views_handler_filter_float because numeric handler + dbtng does everything.
#932792 by bec: Extras for formatting {file_managed} fields.
by dereine: Move file_* handlers to extra files.
#934086 by dereine: Attach the contextual links library only once.
#917402 by yhahn: Update taxonomy handlers for d7 changes.
#930582 by berdir, Damz, dereine: Fix query substitutions for subqueries.
#711860 by dereine: 00 entered in pager total fails.
#889770 by tim.plunkett: Empty fields not always hidden based on row settings.
#762484 by master-of-magic: Link to node status could be lost between rows.
#908272 by jaydub: Fix incorrect length of view description form field.
#772782 by mstrelan: Menu normal item menu should default to system default menu rather than  "navigation".
#571234 by dereine: Better handling of invalid exposed filters or other methods that cause a view to abort during the build process.
#685554 by MyXelf: Illegal characters in View tag translated improperly when used in theming templates.
#508832 by nick_vh: Documentation improvement on templates.
#887220 by dereine: Fix fatal error when using GROUP BY.
#930714 by brad.bulger: Add aggregator GUID field.
#936828 by xjm: Empty field replacement not quite always working.
#872000 by NaX: Comment edit field needs option to set destination so it can work like comment edit field.
#799580 by dereine: api version of views exports should use views_api_version() not hardcoded number.
#884440 by Amitaibu: Improve token encoding to eliminate double html entity encoding.
#847930 by dereine: Reduce duplicates option not staying set.
#865482 by dereine: RSS options form does not include override.
#813422 by dereine and killes: Improved time-based caching expiration.
#829550 by hefox: Better testing of batch form use by exposed filters.
#570618 by dereine: Enforce denying access to disabled views more strongly.
#667014 by dereine: Prevent notice with relationships and node row style if relationship has no endpoint node.
#835934 by dereine: Provide relationship from files to users.
#738172 by dereine: Fields rewritten to be links with just a fragment did not work.
#694094 by Ian Ward: Allow more static caches to be resettable. (port by aspilicious)
#811226 by dereine: Fix another notice in area text handler. (port by aspilicious)
#917916 by MyXelf: break delimiter not removed from formatted output. (port by aspilicious)
#918654 by Will White: numeric GROUP BY fields missing numeric format options.
by dereine: Test for views_handler_filter_date.
#785236 by e_log: Add aggregator field item id as a field.
#366886 by Scott Reynolds: For "last comment time" if "count zero is empty" is set, use empty text for nodes with no comments.
#611086 by dereine: add -url token to files that can fetch proper URLs with private filesystems.
#635336 by dereine: Remove unused fields from views.
#795270 by dereine: Remove unnecessary links to sections that will have no settings.
#882800 by dereine: Move "Distinct" option to query settings.
#755342 by jcmarco: Improve SQL date field handling.
#338893 by dereine: Aggregator argument not always properly converted to title.
#787184 introduce the long awaited "Update and Override" button.
#718832 by dereine: Add file extension as a field available within the File group.
#941974 by dereine: Use contextual links in the views ui when possible.
#761102 by dereine: test: user default argument.
by dereine: Fix notice in views_ui_add_page.
#667950 by damZ, dereine: Port #dependency form elements to #states.
Added missing file: modules/taxonomy/
#882800 by rszrama: Fix notice for options['distinct'].
#950246 by ZoeN: Fix dbtng in views_handler_argument_aggregator_fid.
#884730 by yched, bojanz, karenS, wundo: Add new UI for formatter settings options to the field settings config.
by dereine: Add the dependeny ctools.
#952576 by yhahn: Use JS_LIBRARY group for adding core library js files.
#563020 by dereine: Replace views object cache with ctools object cache.
#952636 by yhahn: Support string format identifiers in field_markup handler.
#954030 by alweb: Fix title query in views_handler_argument_term_node_tid.
#954784 by tekante: views_join class produces a SQL error when an array is in definition['extra']['value'].
#962756 by bojanz: Field delta shows the placeholder instead of the field name.
#667950 by merlinofchaos, bojanz and dereine: Revert the states patch and use ctools dependency instead.
#960528 by dereine: Clicksort doesn't work for field names that contain special characters.
by dereine: Document add_where for formula.
by dereine: Fix notice in
#963382 by aidanlis: Fix typo in mathematical expression field help text.
#807614 by dereine: Test filter_numeric.
#928000 by mfer, dereine: form.js dependency missing.
by dereine: Fix some notices.
by dereine: Fix views_exposed_form test.
by dereine: Move test files around.
by dereine: Fix notice in group_by_numeric.
by eporama: Add a test for views_plugin_argument_validate_user.
#788950 by merlinofchaos, bojanz, dereine: Fixed ui when clicking override.
#965432 by bojanz: Display column for single column fields, if that column is not "value".
#965188 by Scott Reynolds: Remove comment.comment column, it does not exist in the database anymore.
#969124 by brenk28: Fix notices in rss feeds related to readmore.
#968286 by bojanz: Let field::render_as_link support entity url options.
#967188 by Island Usurper: Fix exposed data submitted data.
#954916 by becw: taxonomy term id from URL expects taxonomy objects in term fields, none present.
#968372 by becw: "Taxonomy: Term" filter autocomplete broken.
#971326 by dereine: Join fieldapi fields additional on deleted = 0.
#713078 by achaux: Aggregator not properly using allowed tags from core.
#428196 by dereine, funkmasterjones and tic2000: Allow specification of default sort order (asc or desc) per field in table style.
#944680 by rvilar: Properly t() untranslated string.
#881680 by brianV and longwave: Avoid unnecessary invoking of view objects for argument validation when no argument validation is necessary.
#767244 by Magnus: Fix some untranslatable strings due to less than and greater than characters.
#855280 by dereine: Exposed forms set "Input required" lose exposed sorts.
#935388 by infojunkie: Add post_build and post_execute hooks similar to post_render.
#973496 by das-peter: Don't use call-time-reference for comment_view.
#938806 by jenlampton: Node: title field should link to node by default.
#956654 by mdupont: Translation for "offset" field in dates needed work.
#931390 by dww: Optimize boolean logic by using "= 1" rather than "<> 0" for faster queries.
#567918 by iamjon: Improve documentation for token replacement.
#881468 by longwave: Improve performance by static caching results of argument validation because menu likes to double validate things.
#964266 by dereine: cache_expire() missing $type.
#477984 by demeritcowboy, fatstar415, mike dodd, dagmar: Properly handle value for "empty" and "not empty" special operators.
#768060 by EmmanueleQuinto, xjm, others: Make sure that render alter options do not accidentally get blown up for empty fields.
#847724 by dereine: Allow jump menu "Summary" style to customize choose text, just like the regular summary style.
#669636 by dereine and bojanz: Convert the rest of the field handlers that have link options to use the advanced render.
#871578 by dereine: Comment "new" might not work right without a comment count field.
#910864 by Bevan, dereine: exposed filter blocks should not be cached by core block caching.
Remove unused/lost view::render_exposed_form.
#776830: Fix pager settings on attachments and feeds.
#835544 by iamjon: export broke if key contained an apostrophe.
#941990 by master-of-magic: Link to node when using relationships could occasionally lose track and create bad links.
#833790: Click sort could break on fields that were actually formulas.
#963454 by dereine: Remove related terms data definitions.
#976098 by dereine: Fix notice in field field handler render function.
#626732 by dereine: Fix analyze ok-button and added a test for it.
#338584 by superbaloo: Allow displays to be re-ordered in the UI.
#502348: Move advanced rendering up the chain a little bit to allow for non-standard uses of fields, such as grouping, to use advanced rendering features.
#943984 by Kars-T: Remove extraneous line of code.
#751970 by dereine: View list form auto submit on change.
#502348 followup.
#977846 by dereine: Use ctools_process_dependency for table plugin. (follow up of #502348).
#942106 by andypost: Fix converting from vid to vocabulary in taxonomy handlers.
#870792 by bojanz: Options form needs to be re-rendered if it failed validation.
#980628 by bojanz: Fix options-query in field::render_as_link.
#979264 by pwolanin: Account for flipped comment status values in Drupal 7.
#972864 by bec: Provide term relationship via taxonomy term reference fields.
#979634 by linclark: Fix field grouping.
#972934 by dereine: Fix Node: User posted or commented.
by dereine: Preview shouldn't expect to have the sql plugin, always.
#960596 by dereine: Argument in preview aren't escaped.
#983166 by dereine: Rename $class to $classes in the table template file and write some updating documentation.
#963372 by dereine: Add 'form_process_checkbox' to every checkbox which uses process 'ctools_dependent_process'.
#979082 by dereine: Add 'form_process_select' to every select which uses process 'ctools_dependent_process'.
#936196 by jmiccolis, yhahn, adrian, bojanz, dereine: Don't use entity_load for the fieldapi-field handler, but use real sql fields.
by dereine: Fix notice in views_ui_preview().
#965496 by ayalon: Update and Override broke validation of most views admin forms.
#868990: Fix undefined call to $view->set_use_pager()
#669636 followup by bojanz: Fix improper use of field_alias by row styles.
#979046 by travist: Fix PHP 5.3 problem in views_access with no arguments.
#978864 by linclark: Fix title bug with area handlers.
#983460 by dereine: "Default sort" radio is in wrong column on table style settings.
#783798 by dereine: GROUP BY can cause sort criteria to get incorrectly added to view.
#357529 by nedjo, dddave, dagmar, dereine, yhahn, others: Implement plugin to handle translations of views configuration data.
#983606 by jonathan1055: Breadcrumb disappears on bulk export results.
#945034 by das-peter: Allow any kind of build_mode for node row style.
#936196 by rszrama, das-peter, bojanz, dereine: Fix some bugs with the fieldapi field handler.
#983272 by bojanz: Support click sorting for Field API fields.
by dereine: Fix error in plugin_default_taxonomy_tid.
#974542 by dereine: Use the same signature for pre_render in every handler.
#988490 by dereine: Fix global view result counter.
#740686 by dereine, dagmar: Integrate the functionality of Semantic Views (though it takes a significantly diffrent form).
#988726 by yhahn: Use taxonomy_term_data 'format' column for description field.
#988520 by dereine: Fix sql of date handler for offset.
#952636 by yhahn, jmiccolis, dagmar, dereine: Support string format identifiers.
#960810: Fixed merge error of semantic views patch.
#769458 by anrikun: Fix double encoding of alt/title text on link rewriting.
#318944 by dereine: Prevent warning in table view when user has no permission to view any fields.
#416178 by dereine: Profile field checkboxes did not properly filter false values.
#949526 by dereine: External database not used.
#913688 by dereine: Fix feed icon path.
#768802 by dereine: Allow sort by node language.
#600742 by dagmar: Allow displays to be disabled.
reported by swentel: Remove left over debugging dsm.
#468484 by dereine: Filter by unread not relationship safe.
#833790 redux by dereine: Make sure field actually exists.
#607942 by dashton: Support "rel" attribute in link rewriting.
#994014 by idflood: Add missing semicolon to node translation link handler.
#909886: -Any- option shows up on boolean exposed filters even when not optional.
#972934 by dereine: Fix sql of subquery of comment_user_uid argument handler.
Follow up #607942, use ctools_dependent_process.
#817360 by John Morahan: Have Analyze button warn if view has no access control.
#898990 by dereine: Fix bad SQL generated on related terms relationship if no vocabularies selected.
#833220 by dereine: Properly validate value on date filter.
#910256 by dagmar: Add an - All - option to exposed items per page.
#779668 by esteewhy: Fix not technically valid use of break statements.
#909332 by dereine: Add col-first and col-last classes to grid style.
#989092 by dereine: Semantic views integration broke grid view a little.
#868972 by dereine: Add a "summary" attribute for accessibility on table and grid styles.
#992174 by dereine: Add missing field handler aggregator_xss in the file.
by dereine: Fix fatal error in the field term_node_tid handler.
#994856 by dereine: Replace views dependecy with ctools... again.
by dereine: Replace _fake_instance in field field handler with a ctools helper function.
#996634 by das-peter: Add missing rel to option_definition of the field handler.
#610418 by joachim: Add handler descriptions to handler edit forms.
#368687 by dereine: Allow a relationship from node revision to master node.
#759082 by dereine: Prevent invalid argument warning with no relationships.
#946368 by dereine: User argument default ignoring node author checkbox in some cases.
#867636 by chromix: Give jump menu an option to set default value to current path.
#997772 by dereine: Fix node_view_analyze by using dbtng and d7 role_permission database schema.
#998278 by dereine: Update based on #986992.
#998400 by das-peter: Use vocabulary in "term name converted to term id".
#785036 by dereine and bojanz: Properly validate display IDs.
#958312 by tim.plunkett: Exports could have extraneous whitespace when exported from other modules like features.
#927270 by Cyberwolf: Allow the "options callback" for the in_operator filter handler to also have an "options argument" in the definition.
#497936: Profile fields with dashes in their names cause bad queries.
#608926 by Longwave: Remove unused theme("nodate") functionality.
#993002 by alex_b, dereine: Fix notice in
#1000044 by pivica: Fix notice for element_type in some field handlers.
#984390 by yhahn: Fix full pager variables.
#972620 by dereine: Add an administrative title field for all handlers to make it more possible to distinguish similar fields from each other in the UI.
#627378: Allow specifying that your module provides specialized views templates via hook_views_api.
#627378 follow up: Remove debug calls.
#1001442 by dboulet: Add classes/title text to contextual links.
#999042 by bojanz: Remove the option to use the site mission for the RSS feed description, because drupal doesn't have this field anymore.
#985602 by bblake, bojanz, dereine: Support slave server.
by dereine: Fix file.
#987478 by bojanz: Let field field handler properly handle field language.
#1002060 by troky: COMMENT_NODE_* constants have new names
#996306 by alex_b: Respect 'edit terms in ' settings
#987478 by bojanz: Fix some more edge cases in field field handler.
#1003034 by das-peter: Use preg_slit instead of split.
#905712 by dagmar: Add Published/Not published as text options to published field.
#816354 by dereine: Provide a field to create administrative comments on displays.
#1004596 by pillarsdotnet:  Wrong usage of theme('image'...) in contact field handler.
#1006088 by aspilicious: Remove unneeded files from .info file.
#1005662 by troky: Change original hook to base hook in views hook_theme.
#808016 by dereine: Clarify short/medium/long date formats.
#829928 by gordon: Allow strip tags to get a list of tags to keep.
#1004538 by ngmaloney, bojanz: Support timestamps before 1970 in views date sql.
#522318 by dereine: Provide a "human readable" name for all Views.
#1003112 by ralf: Add configure line to
#118672: Allow an OR in filters by adding groups in the filter UI.
by dereine: Add a test for field math, and fix the field math :)
#1007036 by bojanz: Fix Node: Has new content filter.
by dereine: Add a test for filter equality.
by dereine: Add a test for field counter.
#1007036 by dereine: Fix join condition for Node: Has new content filter.
by dereine: Fix tests for detecting module template files.
#1007730 by bojanz, merlinofchaos, dereine: Fix views_handler_filter_string, add tests and add a general placeholder method.
#1006644 by bojanz, dereine: Allow field field handler to work with users.
#759082 by dereine: Fix whitescreen due to incorrect relationship loop code.
by dereine: Remove old comment about select::countQuery.
#863478 by damz, dereine: Allow basic distinct support.
#667950 by bec : Remove workaround for filter_numeric dependency.
#1011266 by sime: Fix whitescreen due to changes in #759082.
#1011220 by aspilicious: Auto-Generate View's Machine-Readable Name.
#1001542 by mikeytown2: view::set_display() has wrong return code when it fails.
#1011220 follow-up: Add missing point on machine_name.
#722330 by dereine: Views should include core version for updates.
#1008706 by dereine: Convert placeholders to new api.
#807616 by damz, dereine: Remove views_handler_sort_formula and add a short entry in api-upgrading.html
#873238 follow up by dereine: Remove adding cookie.js all the time. Ajax loading works now.
#591302 by yhahn: Update ajax_view.js for ajax framework.
#972638 by bojanz: Mini pager hasn't been ported.
#1011334 by dereine: Exposed filters without input broke sql.
#990088 by yhahn: Fix taxonomy integration by changing vid to nid for taxonomy_index.
#1007466 by aspilicious, dereine: Provide a api function for adding complex queries: add_where_expression, add_having_condition.
#1008170 by dereine: Fix views_handler_filter_groupby_numeric by using add_having_expression.
#1013170 by das-peter: Fix broken view::preview which was broken on #1001542.
#644008 by Cyberwolf and dereine: Allow access plugins access to arguments.
#997424 by dereine: Use drupal_add_library instead of drupal_add_js where it's possible.
#992704 by solotandem, bojanz, dereine: support to groupby entity_id.
#970514 by moshe, dereine: Provide basic drush integration for views.
#1015306 by dereine: Fix index in field_field.
by solotandem: Make a better description for the group_type field in groupby form.
#1015856 by solotandem: Eliminate PHP notices related to recent groupby changes.
#1016058 by dereine: Fix string contain all words.
#940316 by merlinofchaos: Allow to rescan template files from non-current themes.
by mikejoconnor, dereine: Fix notice for exporting view->core.
#1002744 by bojanz: Use entity_load for fieldapi field handlers.
#957206 by dereine: Add missing entry for aggregator iid argument handler.
#1002744 by bojanz: Refactor views_field_field by renaming some variables/comments.
by dereine: Bring vpr and views_debug back.
#955464 by dereine: Fix glossary and many to one mode handler.
#1016430 by bojanz: fix two small bugs in field_field handler.
by dereine: Add $view->version to all default views.
#1006176 by das-peter, bojanz: Add support for field based translation.