The paper seeks to acquaint students with the historical evolution of India’s foreign policy since independence, both in terms of the conceptual underpinnings and philosophical moorings on the one hand, as also the vent of diplomatic practice, on the other. Indian foreign policy reflects the perceptions and priorities of our political, economic and military leaderships from time to time in relation to the neighbourhood, middle powers and superpowers
Introduction- objectives, principles, determinants
Evolution of Indian foreign policy from Nehru to present day
Major issues in Indian foreign policy- economic policies and liberalization,
nuclear policy- stand on non- proliferation , disarmament
Environmental issues, India and NAM
India’s interaction with the world powers-
United States, Russia, European Union, United Kingdom
India and its neighbours- Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar
India’s role in the international organizations- UN, SAARC, BRICS,ASEAN, BIMSTEC