Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This is a foundational course in comparative politics. The purpose is to familiarize students with the basic concepts and approaches to the study of comparative politics. More specifically the course will focus on examining politics in a historical framework while engaging with various themes of comparative analysis in developed and developing countries. To acquaint the students with the meaning of fundamental institutions of democratic regimes: legislatures, the executive and its bureaucracy, law and judicial systems, elections, interest groups

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24CPOL 311 

Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

CO25:   demonstrate   the value of Comparative Politics through methods and strategies of comparision.

CO26: create understanding of the stake’s holders involvedment in development of socialism, capitalism and colonialization.

CO27: comprehend the ongoing challenge and obstacles faced by formerly colonized nations in the process of decolonization.

CO28: analyse historical context, constitutional development and the political economy of modern state.

CO29: create a deeper understanding of the relationship between constitutions and the functioning of democratic governments.

CO30: Contribute effectively in Course specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Power Point Presentation


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Seminar presentation.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects

Unit I: 
Understanding Comparative Politics

The meaning, nature, and Scope of Comparative politics, Significance of Comparative Politics    Comparative Method and Strategies of Comparison. Distinction between Comparative Government and Comparative Politics.

Unit II: 
Historical context of modern government

Capitalism: meaning and development: ‘the Idea of Liberal Democracy and concept of welfare state, globalization; Socialism: meaning, growth and development 

Unit III: 
Historical context of modern government

Colonialism and decolonization: meaning, context, forms of colonialism; anti colonialism; struggles and process of decolonization (Asia, Africa and Latin America) 

Unit IV: 
A comparative study

constitutional developments and political structure: UK, USA and Brazil, a comparative study of composition and functions of legislative chambers, Executive and Judiciary

Unit V: 
A comparative study

constitutional developments and political structure: France, Nigeria, China, a comparative study of composition and functions of legislative chambers, Executive and Judiciary


Essential Readings: 

Ø  Bhagwan,V. and Bhushan, V.,(2022), World Constitutions, New Delhi,Sterling Publishers

Ø  Caramani,D.(2020), Comparative Politics,Oxford University Press

Ø  Mahajan,V.D., (2017), Select Modern Governments, New Delhi ,S. Chand & Co

Ø  Kapur,A.C., and Mishra, K.K.,(2010), Select Constitutions,New Delhi, S Chand.

Ø  Hague, R. and Harrop, M. (2010) Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction. (Eight Edition). London: Palgrave McMillan.


Ø  Austin,F.O. & Ray, P.O., (1964),Essentials of American Government, Appleton- Century- Crofts, University of Virginia

Ø  Bryce,J,(1921), Modern Democracies, New Delhi,The Macmillan Company

Ø  Dicey,AV, (1885),The Law of the Constitution, Oxford,Oxford University Press

Ø  Finer,H,(1932),The Theory and Practice of Modern Government, New York,The Dial Press

Ø  Kahin, (1958),Major Governments of Asia, New York, Cornell University Press

Ø  Munro,W.B., (1956), The Government of United States,New York, Macmillan

Academic Year: