Research Methodology

Paper Code: 
POL 225
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The main goal is to prepare students for research. In keeping with this goal the main aims and objectives are: inculcating an interdisciplinary / comparative approach to research, updating knowledge in pertinent areas of research.

Unit I: 

Research in Political Science, nature , need, importance, problems. Research process

Unit II: 

Types of Research-Historical, descriptive, Interdisciplinary, Scientific Policy Analysis, Forms of study- Panel, Case, area

Unit III: 

Research problems- Selection and formulation, defining a research problem, research design- meaning, features, types, construction of research design.

Unit IV: 

Concepts and Hypothesis, Sources of data – primary, secondary; Data collection, census, sampling, observations, questionnaire, schedules

Unit V: 

Classification, Tabulation, Data analysis, report Writing, the use of computers in Research

Essential Readings: 

• Ahuja Ram, 2006: Research Methods, Jaipur, Rawat Publications • Goode & Hatt, 1981: Methods in Social Research, Singapore, McGraw Hill Co. • Kothari, C. R, 1989: Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Banglore, Wiley Eastern

  1. Blake, Norman, 1973: Approaches to Social Enquiry, Cambridge, Policy Press
  2. Bose, Pradip Kumar, 1995: Research Methodology, New Delhi: ICSSR
  3. Bryman, Alan, 1988: Quality and Quantity in Social Research, London, Unwin Hyman.
  4. Kurtz, Norman R, 1983: Introduction to Social Statistics, Paris: MC Graw Hill
  5. Levin Jack, 1983: Elementary Statistics in Social Research, New York: Harper & Row Publishers.
  6. May, Tim, 1977: Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process, Buckingham, Open University Press.
  7. Shipman Martin, 1988: The Limitations of Social Research, London, Longman.
  8. Young, P. V., 1988: Scientific Social Surveys and Research, New Delhi, Prentice Hall.
Academic Year: