The students will understand the basic concept of research and its methodologies. Along with Identify, explain, and apply the basic concepts of research in overall process of designing a research study from its inception to its report.
Social Science Research- Meaning, nature, objectives, importance and problems; Research process; Types of Research- Historical, Descriptive, Exploratory and Scientific
Research problems- Selection and formulation, defining a research problem; Research design- meaning, features, types and construction of research design. Concept and Hypothesis
Sampling Design- Meaning, Steps, Characteristics, Types- Probability and Non Probability sampling techniques
Sources of data – primary, secondary; Data collection- Interview, Observations, Questionnaire, Schedules, case studies
Data analysis- Classification, Tabulation, Descriptive analysis, Bibliography; Report Writing, The use of computers in Research, Ethics in Research
Ø Thakur,D.,(2009), Research Methodology in Social Sciences, New Delhi, Deep and Deep
Ø Prasad, A., (2008), Social Research Methodologies in Social Sciences, Ranchi, Xavier Institute of Social Sciences
Ø Ahuja, R. (2006). Research Methods. Jaipur, Rawat Publications
Ø Blake, N. (1973): Approaches to Social Enquiry, Cambridge, Policy Press
Ø Bose, Pradip Kumar,(1995): Research Methodology, New Delhi: ICSSR
Ø Bryman, Alan, (1988) Quality and Quantity in Social Research, London, Unwin
Ø Shipman Martin, (1988) The Limitations of Social Research, London, Longman.
Ø Young, P. V., (1988) Scientific Social Surveys and Research, New Delhi, Prentice Hall
Ø Kurtz, Norman R, (1983) Introduction to Social Statistics, Paris: MC Graw Hill
Ø Levin Jack, (1983) Elementary Statistics in Social Research, New York: Harper & Row Publishers.
Ø May, Tim, (1977) Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process, Buckingham, Open University Press.