This paper studies some model constitutions of the world, other then the European ones. The historical background of individual constitutions is to be emphasized to gain an understanding of its evolution. Furthermore the political institutions are to be studied in the light of the political process to gain an understanding of the dynamics of actual politics and policy making.
Constitution of United States of America- Salient Features; American Federalism;
The President and his Cabinet
Constitution of United States of America- The Congress; The Federal Judiciary; Checks and Balances; Political Parties
Constitution of Russia-The Present Constitution; the Legislature; Executive; Communist Party
Constitution of Japan- General Features; Fundamental rights in the Constitution; The Executive; Diet; Judiciary; Political Parties
Constitution of China- Salient Features of the 1982 Constitution; The National People’s Congress- Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress; The President of China; The State Council; The Judicial System; Fundamental Rights and Duties; The Communist Party