The objectives of this course are to:
1. Introduce the student genre to the issues in Indian polity.
2. Acquaint the students with a holistic overview of functioning of Indian Constitution
3. Facilitate a holistic and integrated comprehension of the important institutions of the Indian Union: the Executive, Legislature and Judiciary.
Composition of the Constituent Assembly, Framing of India’s New Constitution and its Philosophy, Philosophical Foundations of the Constitution
Salient features of the Indian Constitution, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy, and Federalism
The Union Executive- the President (with special reference to his Emergency Powers) Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers; The Union Legislature- the Parliament, Parliamentary Committees, Law making process, Parliamentary Procedures
State Executive – The Governor, Chief Minister, Legislature, Union-State Relations
The Indian Judiciary- Supreme Court of India; State High Courts; Judicial Review; Public Interest Litigation (PIL), Judicial Activism Constitutional Amendments
Books Recommended: Essential Readings: Agarwal,R.C, (2016), Indian Political System, New Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons Laxmikanth,M,(2019), Indian Polity,Noida, Mc Graw Hill Education Austin,G,(2003), Working A Democratic Constitution,New Delhi, Oxford University Press Basu,D.D. , (2017), Constitution of India,New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Jayal, N.G.,Mehta, P.B.(2011),(ed.), The Oxford companion to Politics in India (edited) ,London, Oxford Fadia,B.L.,(2019), Indian Government and Politics,,Agra, Sahitya Bhawan Chandra,B ,(2017), In the Name of Democracy,Delhi, Penguin Books Johari, J.C.,( 2012),Indian Government and Politics (Vol. I& II), New Delhi, Vishal Publications Brass,P,( 2009), Politics of India since Independence, Hyderabad,Orient Longman
Reference Books: Achin,V,(1990), The Painful Transition : Bourgeois Democracy in India, London,Verso Deshpande, S,(2003), Contemporary India : A Sociological View, New Delhi,Penguin Books India. Francine,F,(ed) (2002), Transforming India : Social and Political Dynamics of Democracy,NewDelhi, OUP Jones,W.H.M., (1987), Indian Government and Politics, Hull, University of Hull Press 154 Hasan,Z , (ed.),(2001), Parties and Party Politics in India, New Delhi,OUP Kaviraj, S,(2000), Politics in India, New Delhi,OUP Kohli, A.,(ed.),(2001), Success of India’s Democracy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Narain,Iqbal,(1995), Secularism in India, Jaipur,Classic Publishing House