Learning Objectives: This paper explores the Indian Ocean basin as an arena of historical continuity and change, examining the conflicting interests of major maritime powers and the security and cooperation initiatives taken in the region. This paper has been specifically designed to address the needs and interests of students of international studies and seeks to help students to:
Learning Outcomes: On completion of this course, students should be able to:
Mapping the region- States on the rim/littoral, hinterland states, extra regional; Natural Resources and Growth Potential ; Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOCs)
Maritime policies of major powers in the region- US, France, Australia, Sri Lanka , Maldives
Competing interests of India and China in the region and escalation of tension
Disputes and potential threats - Maritime dimensions, Exclusive Economic Zone, Threat of piracy and terrorist activities
Initiatives for security and cooperation - Maritime Peacekeeping, Cooperative Maritime Security; Regional Security Initiatives
Essential Readings:
Reference Books: