Legislative Support (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Peoples’ representatives need support for the multiple tasks they are supposed to undertake. The need to understand complex policy issues, draft new legislation, track and analyse ongoing bills, make speeches and floor statements, write articles and press releases, attend legislative meetings, conduct meetings with various stakeholders, monitor media and public developments, manage constituent relations and handle inter‐office communications. All over the world, elected representatives have an office with specialised support team to carry out these tasks. 

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24SPOL 301

Legislative Support


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

CO1: Define the basic concepts of Budget documentation and legislative committees.

CO2: Analyse the powers and functions of people’s representatives at different tiers of governance

CO3: evaluate about different types of Media monitoring and communication skills.

CO4: identify the major problems related to legislative functions of institutions.

CO5: assess the knowledge of the legislative process to analyze and explain the progress of a specific bill through its various stages.

CO6: contribute effectively in Course specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Power Point Presentation


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Seminar presentation.

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Different tiers of Governance

Members of Parliament, State Legislative Assemblies, functionaries of rural and urban local self-government from Zila Parishads/Municipal Corporation to Panchayat/Ward. 

Unit II: 
Supporting the legislative process

How a Bill becomes a Law, Role of the Standing Committee in reviewing a Bill, Legislative Consultations, amendments to a Bill, the framing of Rules and Regulations. 

Unit III: 
Supporting the legislative committees

Types of committees, Role of committees in reviewing government finances, policy, programmes, and legislation.

Unit IV: 
Reading the budget document

Overview of Budget Process, Role of Parliament in reviewing the Union Budget, Railway Budget, Examination of Demands for Grants of Ministries, Working of Ministries.

Unit V: 
Support in media monitoring and communication

Types of media and their significance for legislators. Basics of communication in print and electronic media.

Essential Readings: 

Ø  Laxmikanth,M., (2023), Indian Polity,Noida,Mc Graw Hill Education

Ø  Basu,D.D. , (2021),Introduction to the  Constitution of India, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India

Ø  Fadia,B.L(2021),Indian Government and Politics, Agra,Sahitya Bhawan

Ø  Agarwal ,R.C., (2018) Constitutional Development and National Movement of India,New Delhi, Sultan Chand & Sons,

Ø  Johari,J.C.,(2012), Indian Government and Politics (Vol. I& II), New Delhi,Vishal Publications


Ø  Pylee,M.V.(2014), Constitutional History of India, New Delhi, S.Chand

Ø  Jayal, N.G.,& Mehta, P.B.(2011),(ed.), The Oxford Companion to Politics in India (edited) ,London, Oxford

Ø  Jaffrelot,C .,(2010), Religion, Caste and Politics in India, New Delhi, Primus Books

Ø  Brass,P ,(2009),Politics of India since Independence, Hyderabad,Orient Longman

Ø  Rudolph,L.I., &  Rudolph,S.H.,  (2008), In Pursuit of Lakshmi : The Political Economy of the Indian State, Delhi, Orient Longman

Ø  Austin,G, (2003), Working of a Democratic Constitution, New Delhi, OUP

Academic Year: